Indiana provided us with many memorable and exciting experiences. We had a police escort to the press conference in Indiana. Everyone on the team rode, double file! The press conference was successful, and afterwards we were happy to find a lot of good food, and a cake! Then, with the assistance of another police escort, we biked 14 miles out of town. It was really fun! However, there was one minor accident. Jasmina bumped into the back of Nikita’s wheel, and fell down, knocking Jenny over in the process. (Peru, Russia, USA respectively). Then, because we rode in closely knit double file lines, three people ran over Jasmina with their bikes! However, at the end of all this, Jasmina showed her brave heart and undying enthusiasm, and exclaimed that she was okay. What a great example of our rider’s spirits! We rode into Ohio, and got honks of support from all the cars that passed us by.


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